Antediluvian World
by Paul Dixon
The Antediluvian world is riddled with majick, mystery, science, and sorcery. A land of giants and chimera who ruled the ancient cities until Yahweh said, “No more!” and flooded the earth. The books of Enoch and Jasher give a closer account of the events leading up to the flood. The Nephilim (Genesis 6) intermingled with human women spawning giants known as the Raphaim. These beings created megalithic structures, monuments, and cities, such as Lameria, Ultimituli, Mu, Atlantis, and many more.
For the crimes they committed, Yahweh bound these fallen entities in chains of darkness in Tartaris (2 nd Peter 2:4). When Yahweh flooded the earth, it disembodied the spirits of the giants and chimera giving us what we know as devils and unclean spirits. You all know the Greek mythos of Zeus, the god of “lightning” and having a “good time,” but what you haven’t been told is that this and all mythology around the world is rooted in scripture. Zeus was a god who fathered Hercules and many more to human women.
Hercules, as you are aware, was a demigod with great stature and strength. He was half-human, half-god just as Genesis 6:4 describes a “men of renown.” These fallen entities also mixed human and animal DNA just as mankind is doing today. This blending of species is known as chimera. Satyr, Centaur, and Sasquatch are all chimera of the previously described blending of DNA. Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh was known as “a wild man.” Today Enkidu would be known as Sasquatch.
After the flood, a new enemy emerges we all know as Nimrod. Through enticement and persuasion, Nimrod was inspired by the devils to recreate and build the ancient world again. Nimrod became a giborim meaning something changed him to become as the giants of old. He set out building structures, cities, and hunting souls until once again Yahweh said, “No more!” and confounded the language stopping the tower of Babel from completion.
Over years and centuries, giants, chimera, sorcery, and majick became myth and legend. Some knowledge of the Builders survived time giving way to the occult and secret societies that still exist to this day. Sorcery, majick, and forbidden technology was everywhere in the Antediluvian world. The majick of these ancient entities included soul trafficking, sex majick, blood majick, cannibalistic ritual majick, and more. Many of these rituals have been used in more recent times by the occult and secret societies. For example, founders of the Jet Propulsion Industry, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard, conjured up the scientific formulas needed for Jet Propulsion by way of ritual sex majick. Hollywood is well aware of this truth as they have filmed a TV series on the exact subject.
Larger forms of ancient majick come in the form of “sacred geometry” as it has been known throughout the ages. There are many reasons for the occult and secret societies to practice sacred geometry but for now, let’s focus on just one. The demonic realm is attracted to certain geometric shapes. An over simplified example of this would be the stereotypical “haunted house.” Similar to channeling, the more the demonic influence the stronger the majick becomes. By altering frequency, the giants could change the molecular structure of stone to a putty-like consistency which could then be levitated by another frequency and finally reshaped and placed with precision unobtainable by man to this day. Secret societies such as Freemasons knowingly or unknowingly worship these Builders of old and continue the traditions handed down to them since the time of the Builders. You have been fooled into believing there’s no such thing as majick and yet, scripture has warned us of it’s dangers all along. From the roads and cities you travel to the channels on your television and the music you listen to, it’s all technology from long ago in the Antediluvian world.
The Hour Is Late
“The hour is late, and the time is near.” I’ve said this for years and even use it as a slogan for my website. But in light of current events, it resonates with my spirit now more than ever before. The last few years, I’ve witnessed things people would swear impossible as little as ten years ago. Mandatory injections, shutdowns of societies, riots and takeovers called “peaceful protests,” bombings in Nashville, and most recent, a demonic sacrifice of three children in Nashville. Hatred is growing in our nation at an alarming rate. In John 15:25, Jesus said He was hated without a cause, and this is seen in the world today. They want Jesus and his remnant (you and I) out, extinct, destroyed, and our Babylonian government agrees! It’s a dangerous thing to truly be an ambassador of Christ, as He well knew by sending His disciples out in pairs (Luke 10:1). The false pastors of our nation would tell you turn a cheek to this and that would be true of vengeance, however, this is defense. Let’s look at what Jesus said about defense. We’ve already acknowledged that He sent His disciples out in pairs, and 1 Timothy 5:8 we are told a man that can’t defend his family is worse than an infidel, meaning worse than turning your faith against Christ! In Luke 22:36, Jesus says to sell your cloak and buy a sword. Arm yourself, the second amendment isn’t given to us by our government, it’s a gift from God that we demand from our government.
In my job as a truck driver, most recently I hauled copiers. A few months ago, I received a phone call from a good friend of mine, Greg Martin, who hosts a podcast, The Front Porch Show. He had asked me if I had heard about the shooting, which to my surprise, was less than three miles from my location at that time. Later when I saw this on the news, the first thing I noticed as the shooter walked in was the copier located on the right side of the room. This was a wake-up call that as Christians, we should always be ready and though our weapons for spiritual warfare are not carnal, we should still be prepared to take on the physical battles from Babylon as well. I’m not advocating violence nor suggesting you break the law; I’m just telling you first and foremost you have a duty to get home to your families and to continue spreading the gospel.
Over the years, I’ve developed what I call my travel bag and within that bag, I have what I refer to as my travel defense kit which consists of a small snub nose revolver, spare ammunition, an emergency pry bar, and a Swiss army knife. It’s not much, but the point is I’m prepared to get home.
We are approaching a time of a new world order, a “great reset.” I choose to be a prepared Christian to defend the remnant of Christ. What choice will you make? Will you be prepared when the clock strikes midnight?
The Court Jester
We all know of court jesters. They are always associated with comedy and humor. They are known as the dancing fool, the stumbling fool, and even the king’s fool, because the jester was the original entertainment industry. But what few people know is that jesters persuaded crowds and kings into and out of wars, kingdoms, and all sorts of hysterical behavior. But there is a much darker purpose for the court jester. The jester becomes a host for the demonic realm to persuade crowds, kings, and kingdoms into the control of the fallen rulers of this world.
The antediluvian world, as we’ve covered in other articles, is the time leading up to and before the flood. The landscape of this world was much different than our own. Pyramids, ziggurats, and many other megalithic structures encompassed the world. These structures were built by the giants or Rephaim of Genesis under the guidance of their parents, the fallen angels. Because giants are hybrids, they are a higher dimensional being than you and I. As a result, they become the hardware to the software around them. This allows the Rephaim to manipulate matter through frequency. For example, take the walls of Saqsaywaman, Peru, the stone looks as if it had been turned into sculptor’s putty, formed, and rehardened. This is because the giants have the ability to change the molecular structure of matter through frequency, resulting in the impossible feats that we see in the megalithic structures around the world.
After the flood, the spirit of the giant was separated from the body, resulting in what the Bible refers to as demons, devils, and unclean spirits. Majick and sorcery is a result of human beings interacting and working alongside the demonic realm. Demonic transformations are a type of majick, usually due to ritualistic blood rites. The skinwalker is one such transformation. Through sacrifices and blood rites, demons are able to manipulate the molecular structure of the host, similar to the way they altered stone in megalithic structures. Nebuchadnezzar is a good example of this transformation. Though not done by majick but rather a curse, it is still a similar result. The court jester is not an external transformation but rather an internal one, that over time takes on physical characteristics of the demon.
The court jester is a willing host to be possessed by the demonic. Because demons are disembodied, they seek to inhabit the flesh that they once held (Mark 5:6-13 KJV). Demonic persuasion is used to entrance people and crowds, often resulting in hysteria and mass hysteria. Clowns, tricksters, and court jesters’ purpose is to cause hysteria and confusion from the author of confusion. Satan has always been associated with music and entertainment (Ezekiel 28:13 KJV). Ephesians 2:2 declares Satan the prince and power of the air. This implies ownership and leadership of the second heaven also known as the parallel plane. This is why people often claim to have seen trickery and bizarre entities while under the influence of certain mind altering hallucinogenics. Pharmakeia is a doorway to the fallen realm. Cell phones, televisions, internet, and music all flow through the second heaven with frequency. So, it should come as no surprise that Satan is the ruler of technology.
The entertainment industry, or as I like to call it, the council of the court jesters, is a direct result of the fallen realm controlling people and societies through entertainment. The court jester still exists, all be it behind the scenes in Hollywood and Nashville, in the form of actors, musical artists, and the news. Modern movies, television shows, and music videos are riddled with occult undertones, knowledge of the parallel plane, and the inhabitants thereof. Hollywood and Nashville are high places of Ephesians 6. Hollywood is the wood of a witch’s wand which casts spells over mankind. Some of the oldest translations of nash are gypsy and originate from Sanskrit meaning “to be lost.” The black mirror used to exist in the sorcerer’s chambers but through modern technology, it’s made its way into most of the known world’s homes and pockets (TVs and phones). The implication of this is that rituals like the ones at half time at a football game are now channeled by millions of people unaware that they are creating this open doorway by receiving this ritual into their homes.
The court jester has manipulated mankind for centuries, tricking people into believing it’s just entertainment. Though the term court jester may no longer be used, they are still here and in fact more powerful than ever before. At one time only able to entice royalty, they have the ability to entice the world now. Take heed remnant that you are not deceived. This is spiritual warfare at its highest level, and we must know where the enemy is at all times. We must put on the full armor of the Lord to combat tactics like these always.
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